Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Tell Me 'Bout The Good Old Days...

Cadence has had some trouble this week.  She was sent home from daycare on Monday with a fever, stayed home Tuesday, went back today (Wednesday) only to get sent home again, this time with the fever at 103.4.  After 2 strep tests and crazy fevers, the doctors say it's only a virus, could last up to 5 days, just wait it out.  Just wait it out?  Sure.  No problem.  Thank goodness for Meemaw who agreed to let Cadence come visit tomorrow so I can keep my job!  In advertising, especially when you are the only one in the department, deadlines don't wait for a sick child.  Things like this are just one reason I say we need to stop and go back to the way things were "in the good old days".  People got married and stayed married-each having a vital role in the household.  Each understanding their role and fulfilled it without complaining or expectation of some reward.  That's just the way it was.  People lived in houses and drove cars that they could actually afford.  What a concept!  And if a child got sick, no big deal because the mother was home.  Now, we get ourselves into such high-stress jobs that we can't possibly "leave work" or "take the day off" because we have deadlines or projects that just have to get done.  Even if your poor child is sick and all she wants from you is a day of cuddling and attention.  She deserves it.  But as you know, the world would fall completely apart if we stopped for a minute to actually take some time for ourselves.  That's the way it is now.  That's what we've made it become.  It's our own fault.  Our own selfishness.  We missed the mark.  Had to have more, do more, buy more, earn more, stress more.  Yep, we missed the mark.  It's hard to turn back now, though.  We've gone so far for so long in the wrong direction, I don't know that anybody even knows how to get back to the "good old days."  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen sister. I wish we could get back to the Good Old Days!