Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hot Pink Glasses

Hello there! Just wanted to touch base and say Hi! I took Kennedy (almost 6) to the eye doctor this morning. She was indeed labeled "a product of her parents". With 4 bad eyes between me and her father, poor child didn't have a lot of hope. She has to have glasses-to wear all the time. So she is so excited she can barely stand it. We leave the dr. and she is practically jumping through the door of the "glasses shop". We try on a few pairs. They have all kinds of wired glasses. Pink, purple, brown, speckled...she's looking very adorable, of course. But then she spots a pair of plastic (ya know, the chunky) kind. Hot pink. WAY up at the top and she says, "I want those!". After she put those on, she didn't even want to look at any others. If you know me and have seen my red glasses...nuff said. She is SOOO her mama's daughter! We pick them up tomorrow afternoon, so there you go. Glasses in kindergarten. The good news is she is so excited about wearing them. I'll take that while it lasts. Blessings to you all!! And whoever reads this...PRAY FOR THE PICKLES. You may not know the story behind that...that's another blog, but I'll fill you in soon!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steph, I'm so glad Kennedy WANTS to wear the glasses right now - hopefully that will last. I'm praying for the Pickels but I don't know why! Love & miss ya, Michelle-