Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tell me a joke...

I need a pick-me-up. I have been kinda down lately...fighting it because I am usually a pretty happy person and I hate being down. But the past month has beaten me up a little. Come on...cheer me up. Tell me your best funny joke or funny story. I know you people are pretty quirky, I know you have some good ones...


Anonymous said...

two men walk into a bar.
the third man ducks.

(think about it lol)

Anonymous said...

Around the age of 3 I began to notice that the toilet seat in Dad's bathroom was always up while the the one on the toilet Mom and I shared was always down. So I asked about it. Mom said it was because Dad's butt was bigger than ours. Not long after that is when I started getting chubby and Mom commented on it. So, thinking my butt was nearing Dad-sized, I tried to use the toilet with the seat up. Not only did I fall in, but I became suctioned to the bottom with my little legs up around my ears. We lived in a tri-level home so I had to holler as loud as I could for Mom to hear me down on the bottom level. She finally came and pulled me out.

Stephanie said...

hilarious! Now that's a good story! Thanks for sharing!